

So this is gonna be an everywhere kinda post so hold on tight.

I got engaged June 25. 2017, my brother proposed to his girlfriend a few weeks later and they are getting married next year Sept 2019...and I'm super jealous, I feel like my moment got stolen, and now people are always asking when I'm getting married. Me and my fiance are not in the best finance situation , we also already have a child to support so I pushed our wedding to 2020, originally I was saying October of 2019 but then all of a sudden my brothers fiance says September 2019 and I wasn't about the closeness.

Other things that have just made me jealous is people having more babies, buying cars, buying houses and even more people I know who are younger then me or haven't been together that long getting engaged and getting married. I just want my moment, I feel like nothing good has happened in my life for a long time. I am grateful for what I have, and I love my daughter and my fiance. But I just feel stuck, like my life is at a stand still and everyone is miles ahead of me.

I have been trying for a baby, but all the stress of work, and a broken car and bills are weighing down and me and I go between we should just have a baby now to we need to wait till we are stable and have our own place. But I get down and think well what if that never happens.

I just need a little hope, I need something good to happen, we always get to this point where life is good like we can make something happen and then it all comes crashing down.