Turning down a baby shower?


So little bit of a back story, I had a pretty big falling out with my inlaws the beginning of this pregnancy and non of them (FIL, MIL, or SIL) have spoken to me in about 6 months, which honestly is fine with me! But now out of no where SiL wants to throw a baby shower? My issue with this is, it’s my second baby, and I grew up where you just have a shower for the first baby. (I know people love to celebrate each baby and that totally fine I don’t have an issue with that at all! My family is having a small sprinkle with just the people closest to me so maybe 10 people max which is perfect cause it’s no fuss) my issue with SIL saying this now is that they haven’t spoken to me at all or even asked about the baby, they did absolutely nothing when I had my daughter, not even show up for the baby shower my mom and sister planned. A lot of what they do is for show, they want things to make them look better which I can’t stand! It would also require a 6 hour round trip car ride for us to get there. Am I wrong to want to say no thanks?