Next Time You See A “Don’t Scroll Without Typing Amen” Post On Facebook


Don’t type amen. Ignore it. Unless you know this person and know they’re posting the truth. I have seen so many of these “Don’t scroll without typing amen” posts using sick children with cancer and giving a false description of what’s going on in the photo. Just today I saw a picture of a boy with cancer, the poster falsely labeled the child as a girl and said it was taken after “her” last chemo, and that “she” had beaten cancer. This photo was NOT taken after the little boy’s last chemo. This person is using a picture of a sick little boy without his parents permission to gain internet fame. This sickens me. I know people who do type “amen” and share the post are doing it with love in their hearts, not realizing that the information is false, but these types of posts can be really hurtful. All I ask is that you please ignore these posts from now on. You are HURTING the parents and families of these children when you repost and type “amen”, not HELPING them. You are spreading false information. Sorry if it sounds like I’m getting too into this, I just have a huge heart for kids with cancer and other sick kids. I follow a lot of their stories and am beyond sick of seeing them being used like this.