Level 2 ultrasound at mfm

just looking for reassurance or opinions! I had my anatomy scan done today at mfm just as precautionary since I lost my last baby at 20 weeks to genetic issues. Scan seemed great and the tech acted chatty and normal the entire time and then when she was done she told us the dr would be in and may take another look. He came in and said as far as he could tell everything looked normal but he was going to take a second look. He looked over the spine, brain, and heart. After he was done he asked when my next appt would be with my regular ob and would send the report over. He never just came out and said everything looked good and healthy when he was done. Just wondering if you think he would tell me if something was wrong or let my regular ob tell me? I kinda over analyze every ultrasound since my last pregnancy and every ultrasound was a nightmare.