Our rainbow arrived ♥️

Aaliyah • Mommy of 2 precious boys, a beautiful girl & an angel ♥️

After a loss in December, positive test in January, I was scheduled for induction on his due date, October 8th but when I went to my regular appointment September 27th they were concerned that I’d be stuck at 1 cm, my cervix was still thick, & he hadn’t dropped at all. They felt that if I waited until his due date I’d need a c-section because of his size. So my induction was changed to October 1st. The plan was to insert the cervix pill that night then check my progress the next morning but if I were 3 cm we wouldn’t do the pill. Doctor comes in to check me & in 3 days time I’d progressed to 3 cm, 70% effaced, & he’d dropped down so no pill. October 2nd my doctor came in at 7:30 that morning to break my water & start Pitocin. I’d been having contractions all night & found that my body was going into labor anyway & I was between 4 & 5 cm. Water broken, Pitocin started, epidural started. Within 2 1/2 hours I was 9 1/2 cm. We find out that my doctor is in the OR performing a hysterectomy so it was either hold him in for another hour or let another doctor deliver. I waited on my doctor & by that point my epidural was wearing off or something because when I started pushing, I felt everything 😩 3 hours of labor, 5-10 mins of pushing & our sweet rainbow entered the world. I would like to introduce Sylas James McElrath ♥️ born October 2, 2018 at 11:43 am weighing in at 8lbs 1oz & 21 inches long 😍

Last picture pregnant

His daddy was so happy

Our 3 year old loves his baby brother so, so much ♥️