**UpDaTe** I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry . . .

Sharon • Wife, mama: 👦🏻👼🏻🧒🏼👶🏻, teacher

Tried to make it as short as possible:

My husband and I found out on Sept 10 we were going to have #2! It felt like an eternity for the first appointment to come at the 8 week mark.

Made it to Oct 8th appointment. Went in super excited. Based on my last period, we’re looking at a due date of May 20th and will confirm with an ultrasound. OB started the ultrasound and did the “hmm. . .” that only seem to happen in the movies.

Ultrasound shows that baby is super small. So baby is either not as far along as we anticipated, or baby is not developing and could result in a miscarriage. OB said she’s staying optimistic, that I’m not as far along.

Did I mention I had a dream pregnancy and normal delivery with our first?!

Our hearts are a little heavy, but we’re playing this positively. I tell myself everyday that I am not giving up on this little one who is already so loved and big brother (1.5 yo) keeps saying, “baby!” It melts my heart.

The dreams at night are destroying me mentally. Consisting of me bleeding out, picking out a headstone, etc. It’s eating me alive. 😭

We have a follow up this Wednesday, but it feels like time is dragging.

Has anyone experienced this and had a positive outcome? I need some happy vibes to get me through these next few days!! 💕


Well, we went to the OB for a follow up. It turns out that that baby was not meant to be with our family in this life. We’re still trying to process and decide what our best option is. I wanted to thank everyone for the warm thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to us. Wishing you all of the best and prayers with your pregnancies. Thank you again! 💗