My boyfriend and I keep arguing!


I honestly can’t stand my man! I ‘swear’ if I weren’t pregnant with his baby- I’ll rip him into pieces. He grinds my gears to the point that I constantly tell him I don’t want to be with him anymore. Although I love him dearly! We are just two different people. And it drives me crazy... I know, as the old cliche/expression goes “opposites attract”. But in MY case- NO! It doesn’t, NOT for me! I would like it if we were on the same page. We get along 40% of the time and argue 60% of the time. Sometimes it’s over stupidness and sometimes it’s based on his ways and my multiple dislikes about him.

Now I know, some of you may say... “well, why did you get together with him anyway”... Gee, well.. I didn’t know his ways in the beginning. I do admit, we rushed into a relationship. The things I don’t like NOW, I was unaware of before. He was everything I wanted in the beginning. Sex was great (still is) conversation was amazing. And the fact that he could handle my attitude impressed me! (I must admit, I’m a feisty ‘fire cracker’) but he knew that & he handled it well. Which I adored.

Now, fast forward.. months later; I am now 8 weeks pregnant and we can’t seem to get along for the life of us. Don’t get me wrong- when we’re good, we’re good. But it’s when shit goes left- it’s becomes WW3 in the house. I love him, I truly do. But sometimes I feel like I’m just wasting my time with our relationship. Ugh, I just don’t know...