Car seat/Stroller combo


Mamas. I don’t like my Graco Verb Click Connect as much as I thought I would! The stroller is heavy, hard to close/open with one hand, and the car seat headrest is literally like a scrap of fabric (it got in the way so much that we just took it out). We also didn’t pay attention when we registered for it and thought we got a gender neutral, but instead it’s pink/green 🤦🏻‍♀️👇🏼

In terms of mostly comfy, and keeping baby safe, it’s done great! We also leaned towards something cheaper, because I knew my grandpa was going to buy all our big items for us, and didn’t want him spending thousands.

I’ve been looking at a few different travel systems:

I like the idea of the stroller being able to accolade a toddler (the little tray that pops out for them to stand on), and 100% want gender neutral. We also live on a dirt/gravel road, which is what the stroller is mainly pushed on, so good tires too! Does anyone have any of the Evenflo, or either of the Gracos that I’m looking at? Pros, cons? Likes, dislikes? Or if you have one that meets what I’m looking to change, tell me! Thanks ladies! 💕