I’m really scared

Before anybody says the classic.. I’m going to the doctors soon .

Anyway last week almost two weeks my chest started hurting with lots of pressure I felt sick and fatigue my head hurt and I just wasn’t feeling like myself , my mom noticed and said it’s just a chest cold and bought me medicine which helped with the chest pain , a few days later I was looking up symptoms and one said heart attack .. I was like HUH ? I’m 16 129lbs im an average eater I tend to get stressed a little by my family but nothing major, and in my family we really don’t have HUGE heart problems . My grandad had Congestive Heart Failure but he got diagnosed with that at 50+ , And my great grandma had it as well but she was 97 and got diagnosed with it 20 years ago. Also high blood pressure runs in my family but , again I’m 16 so .. I don’t even think I will have to deal with those problems for a while , so anyway my mom thinks I have bronchitis , I had a terrible week chest pain headaches coughing sneezing body aches ( my arm would hurt for a few minutes than my legs and feet and wrist ) i felt very weak and sick. And more importantly worried ! I’m 50/50 one side thinks of course I’m not having an heart attack , but other side .. I dunno last night I woke up literally sweating felt like I was choking couldn’t really breathe I felt like I was literally dying , like that was it and before I went to sleep I had a heartburn like feeling in my chest and my chest hurt a couple times but went away . And my left wrist hurt and so did my right shoulder I’m crying because I just want to be fine I love my life I love my bf I love my family I don’t want to die . I just want whatever it is to go away and I and my mom wants to wait it out to go to the doctors I’m just scared and sad . I don’t know it would help for more advice from medically inclined ppl