Ultrasound impatience 9 weeks

kay • Wife and Mom of 3

I had my first scan with a super old and extremely crappy quality ultrasound machine. They didnt print it for me cause they didnt know how and they were in training

During this so called "scan" they( there were 3 people in the room, cause they're a training hospital)took like 15 minutes to look over the baby.

10 minutes in I realized they spent all of their time in the same spot and not moving the probe.

When they finally moved the probe the lady said "oh I found the head, I think?"

But this said "head" was huge and was far away from the body? Did my babys head fall of?... or did she come across a second baby?!?😂😱

This is my 3rd baby and there is no way the head is going to be far away from the body like that.

I'm going in on November 1st to radiology for a better quality ultrasound and trained technicians.

I'm so impatient until then cause this wanna be "tech" was so unsure if that was even a head