Any experiences with ectopic??

Haley • Due 7/31/19 with 🌈🤱 after losses in May 2018 and October 2018.

I’m scared. 😖 My first two blood tests showed low and slow-rising hcg (50 then 60), my doctor told me to expect an early miscarriage. But my 3rd draw was still slowly rising (76.1), so now he said it might be ectopic. I guess they can’t diagnose it with ultrasound since it’d be to early to see anything. So we’re just monitoring my hcg every couple of days until I go in for an appointment.

This is a nightmare. I guess if they are suspicious of ectopic this early, I shouldn’t be at risk for rupture, but the anxiety is just a terrible cherry on top of my grief sundae. I want to quickly move on to a new cycle to try again, but we’re stuck in this dreadful state of limbo. 😞