I feel like I cant go on.

Ladies I am 29w+2 and I feel like I cant go on. I'm so defeated. And I swear to you my good nature is gone so anyone who is tempted to respond with "I'd give anything to be in your place"- I BEG of you, keep scrolling. Not today. I beg of you I cant hear that right now.

This pregnancy I have suffered with migraines weekly. Nothing treats them. I've tried every natural remedy and prescription remedy. They don't go away.

My heartburn - even treated - doesnt stop for anyone or anything. I can barely sleep because I throw up bile, acid, food, water, anything. Even propped up, I wake up choking.

Morning sickness that isnt in the morning and never went away.

I have to choose between water and food because I have a permanent feeling of fullness and vomit in the back if my throat at all times. I usually choose water because I'd rather be hydrated.

I had digestive issues before all of this. My system just doesn't do its job. We were on a path to a diagnosis when I found out I was pregnant and had to pause the process because the tests I needed to do weren't safe any longer. My medication that helped me clear my bowels is not pregnancy safe. I've tried every OTC that I'm allowed. I still rarely go to the bathroom and when I do I leave crying with bleeding hemorrhoids. I cant sit because I almost always need to use the bathroom but cant. Again I've tried every thing yes even enemas. Nothing works. I feel polluted and toxic and keep waiting to find out my bowel is dying.

I'm anemic now. So I have to take iron. Which will further complicate my digestive issues. I'm so sad. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place with no out.

I also found out today my 1 hr sugar test was a fail. I barely made it through the hour. I don't do much sugar or simple carbohydrates. I've despised sugars and most carbs since I've fallen pregnant. They just repel me. The sugar test caused me a 2 day migraine, I was shaking all over, sweating, and I puked everywhere directly following the blood draw. Now I have to take a stronger dose, wait 3x as long to have my blood taken, and fight vomiting 3x as long. I feel so defeated I don't believe I will even keep it down long enough to get the blood test. then they tell me if I fail that I will be looking at sticking myself 4x a day for 10 weeks. 280 sticks. I'm crying so hard while I write this.

I feel like I can't survive 10 more weeks of this. I feel like going to bed and never getting up again. I knew this would be difficult but I didnt think it would be this level of bad. Please dont hate on me or be mean I really feel so depressed.