quick informal survey about ads

Rachel • Glow Community Manager

Yeah, I know everyone hates them. But as per our previous announcement, they are here (and if you use <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, you may have seen them.) We're working with our advertiser network now on what kind of ads we want to blacklist, and which are of interest to our users. The challenge is it's impossible to think of everything beforehand! So I thought i might open this up to a discuss with the community experts- you, the regulars. Something we can do is have different ads for different experiences - so someone using Baby wouldn't get the same ads as someone in "healing for loss,"- that was super important. 

But, given that ads will happen, what kind of things would be most useful to you in terms of your life? What are the danger zones?