Not had a period I don’t think.. since my mmc???


Hi guys need a bit of advice. On 19th September I found out I had a mmc I’d of been 9 weeks 4 days but baby died at 5 weeks.

I bled for just shy of a week.. then stopped bleeding then about a week after, I had a 4-5 day bleed like a normal period. I have not bled since.

So the bleed was 26th September until 30th September with a bit of spotting/ light bleed on 1st October then nothing since. My pregnancy tests became completely negative on 5th November. So I know the miscarriage was complete would the bleed on 26th September of been a period?. Glow seems to of messed up my dates completely! I had a 28 day cycle, due the last week of each month. So if that was a period it would of been pretty much bang on time. We want to try again for our rainbow, I have tested recently and had negatives I test because 1, I know it’s possible to become pregnant before a missed period, 2. To make sure I don’t have line eyes and that it’s definately done. I’m just so confused :/. Glow is saying my period isn’t due for 25 days!!! But if that bleed was a period, then technically I’d be due on the end of next week. Obviously the confusion hasn’t helped with ovulation predictions! Any help/advice would be brill! Thank you in advance ladies xx