Seasonal Asthma

I think I have seasonal asthma! I play for 3 netball teams, work as a waitress, and go gym twice a week, I’m quite active usually.

I have never had asthma

in my life, but since it’s become spring, when I play outdoor netball my chest tightens and I start wheezing due to my shortness of breath, I get nauseous and have bad anxiety as it’s happening. This has happened three times.

Is improving cardiovascular fitness (with small low intensity walks etc) a way to improve asthma?

I don’t just want to go straight to a puffer as I can usually manage my breathing if I gather myself?

I mentioned it to my doctor a few weeks back but she said it may just be because I was coming off the flu.

I haven’t worked out in about 2 weeks also due to being in from tooth extraction. Could that be another explanation?

I’m going to a doctor this week, but was wondering if any ladies on here have had similiar situations or can tell me if this sounds like their seasonal asthma etc
