What do you think?

I posted a few days ago in another group, but doing a update and interested in others experiences and thoughts.

[X] Lh Surge CD12 / Ovulation Est. CD12-14

[X] 4DPO -> 9DPO (off O on CD13) - EWCM

[X] 6DPO - Tingley Cramping

[X] 8DPO/9DPO - Nausea, EWCM + Light CCM

[X] 10DPO -> 13DPO - WCM + Light CCM, Cervix High, Fatigue, Slightly Tender Breasts, Very Emotional

AF varies between CD26-30, estimated CD27 this cycle. Today is CD26.

Tested on CD25/12DPO with FRER with possible vvvfl, but couldn't determine. My first pregnancy tested at 12DPO with negative FRER, 17DPO positive. I can't recall my CM then, but typically dry/sticky before AF the past several months checking and cervix low. Fatigue, emotional, and slightly tender breasts could be normal PMS, which is why this process is so difficult! Lol.

Those that are currently or previously pregnant, have you experienced anything similar? Or am I just having a weird month?

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