Best friend problems

I’ve been friends with her since the 4th grade. Right now I’m a senior in high school and it just seems like everything has gone to shit. Basically, it all started freshman year where she got her boyfriend and started to ignore me for him. The fact that she did that bothered me and that I was here first. She would blow me off for him and expect me to be nice to him when he would be an asshole to me. I dealt with it for three years.

Skipping forward to now, I have a boyfriend that she was previously friends with and had a small crush on. When I started dating him she would talk shit about him in front of me, and say that she only hates him because he tried an edible. (She’s very conservative. Very closed minded person). Through the three years in high school, I’ve gotten more open minded to things, so that doesn’t bother me about him. He’s still the nicest person in the world. She complains about me being open minded.

This summer, we didn’t hang out much because I have a full time job and she has her boyfriend. She would go to his house every single day and even blow me off for him if we were to hang out. Her family took me on a week vacation to the beach and she continued to talk shit about my boyfriend and how he doesn’t talk to her anymore because of me.

She texts me saying that she’s lonely because her boyfriend went back to college and now she has no one to talk to. Saying that it was my fault. She’s been doing things like this since forever and my boyfriend says that she just wants attention.

I honestly just need to know what to do. I’m tired of arguing. I’m tired of feeling like shit. I’m tired.