Please let me know if I’m over reacting.

Krystin • Living my best life. ❤️

There’s this chick. Let’s call her Jane. Jane is my husbands ex sister in law. Ex sister in law bc she cheated on his brother repeatedly. With people he knew and didn’t know. Ok moving on. After they divorced she kept hinting around that she liked my HUSBAND. Yea no don’t try that with me. Ok so she then tells me her and my husband has a “moment” before we got together and made me think they did something. She was still married to his brother at that time. Well I freak out bc of all the times we’ve been around her ect and he didn’t even tell me. So I ask him about it and he says she’s crazy nothing ever happened. All the happened was they drove in a car and sat. He only did it bc him and his brother came up with a plan to catch her cheating but she didn’t try anything or do anything and his brother confirmed this so I believe him. Well fast forward to about a year ago. She works about 5 min from my house. She called my husband to ask for help getting a lid off a tank bc she wasn’t strong enough. 1. Why call my husband in the first place, 2 why not ask a male co worker? My husband went and I was very upset. So hints still happened she still tells my husband bye and I love you after they see each other when she drops her son off and we’re there, she always HUGS him right in front of me but he never hugs her back. It’s just weird to me. Now fast forward to tonight. He messaged her about her GED classes bc he’s interested and he asked what the name of the place was she went to and this chick said. I can’t tell you but it’ll be easier to show you!? Like why can’t she just say the name. Why does she have to show my husband anything!? I am livid. He didn’t reply and has ignored her since bc I was upset. I’m I over reacting. Sorry so long.