Roommate troubles

I’m a freshman in college & currently rooming w 3 girls. In the beginning, we were all super close friends but after two months they’ve all excluded me. They never talk to me, ignore me completely when i ask them something or pretend i don’t exist. I’ve made an effort to at least be on good terms w them but they don’t seem to care at all. Today the one roommate texted me saying they want me to switch rooms w one of their friends. I didn’t really have a problem w the situation before. We just simply wouldn’t talk and i would get my work done but after i told the roommate i was not interested in switching rooms because i don’t want to have to move alll my stuff to another room again she said that all the girls agreeed that they don’t want me in the room and that “it would be a more positive environment” if i left. I’m not sure what to do because i really don’t want to have to move my stuff again but i also don’t enjoy being w girls that are so rude. Also, they spread rumors about me to my other friends that made them stop being friends with me & constantly make fun of me for things I enjoy. I know i should get out of the rooming situation but i don’t want to switch w their friend and let them win when i have done nothing wrong as a roommate. Please give me any advise. Also i’ve tried talking to them about the situation and they just ignore me