My body hates me & has now started playing tricks on me.


Been ttc for over a year now. Had a hard time conceiving my son who is now 2.5 so I know it's possible to get pregnant but why is it so hard for us... I cringe everytime someone says you guys should have another or asks when we are.. I don't enjoy letting everyone know how hard we struggle just to be let down every month. My periods have always been regular never late I found out I was pregnant with my son with only being 1 day late because they have always just been right on time. However the last 3 months by body has started tricking me with late periods & pregnancy symptoms. The 1st month it was only 1 day late which was still weird for me the next it was 3 days & now I'm on day 6 & still nothing. Tests are always negative & even though I convince myself the test will be negative & dont let myself get excited seeing just the 1 line still gets to me. The symptoms are sore boobs & although I know that is also a period sign it's never been one for me. The nausea the last 2 weeks has been awful. This is the first month I've been nauseous. I just wish my body would stop doing this to me. Gets my hopes up just to be let down it still sucks when you're on a regular cycle & trying but when you're late it really sucks to get that period after thinking it could finally be it..