We’ve Nearly made it ladies!😊


Hey ladies so just though i would make a post weather your pregnant with your first or rainbow after a miscarriage we have nearly made it to our due dates!! I’m due December 16th but I will have him just before vía elective c section, this is our rainbow baby and I can’t wait to meet him!

I’m now 32 weeks pregnant and am so nervous! Has everyone packed done the nursery brought everything?

Because I’m going on maternity in two weeks and will start then lol,

We’ve got a couple outfits and a few packs of nappies! My baby shower is next weekend so after that we will buy his things he needs and our travel system, I’m still so so nervous about the day he will be coming into this world and I really don’t think I will stop worrying until he’s in my arms I’ve worried everyday of my pregnancy it’s awful, as we all get closer I get more excited,

How is everyone feeling? What’s everyone brought? X