My mother


Okay so first off let me say this. I absolutely love my mom but can not keep helping her.

Okay I may get crap for this. But my mother is 38 I’m 23 . So about a year ago she was doing good. She separated from her husband and got her own place. *he filed and wanted the divorce not her* any ways was doing real good making sure her and my 17 year old brother were doing good. Then it’s like June hit and she just lost it. She’s borrowed 1,000+ from my grandma and has now been asking me for help. Problem is I can’t afford it without putting my self and son & husband in a position where we have no money. My brother is helping her with rent, she’s getting 200$ alimony pay from her ex & she works 38/40 hours a week. What I’m not understanding is how since June she doesn’t have rent money. And I have given her advice on how to get money without getting loans and going into more debt. She’s roughly borrowed $70 from me. Of which I don’t mind because at the times she’s asked I had extra money. Well now she been asking for 150-200 and I explained I can’t help her right now. But when I get paid if I have extra 15/20 I don’t mind sending her it.. okay so after all of this “this is just a short story to get everyone caught up” how can I nicely say she needs to figure out a way because me and the family can’t finally support ourselves and then support her also. She lives in section 8 housing & get a small amount of food stamps. But some how even with my brother giving her half of his checks she’s not getting rent. I want to help her and help her with her finances to be budget friendly without sounding rude. So how do I go about trying to help her without sounding snotty about it? *note this has been asking for 150+ every month since June so it’s not like it’s just once or twice & then gets mad at us *me and my other family members when we can’t afford to help* any advice ?