Stressed & Hormonally Spent


I’m just trying to stay calm since work has stressed me out a lot more lately and had to go to the hospital for early contractions (I’m 26 weeks now but went when I was 24). My Bf and I are redoing our master bath and I really want this to be a positive and happy time in our life where we can be closer but I feel like he is just getting annoyed and starts talking down to me. My dad is redoing our bathroom and it has been a slow start but we didn’t even know what the materials would be until this week and we just picked out vanity, tub, toilet, etc last weekend. Even if my dad came and gutted our bathroom we wouldn’t have anything for him to use to start renovating! My Bf decides at 8pm we would go to Home Depot after the movies even though I haven’t eaten since lunch, so we spend about an hour in there picking stuff out. I then call my mom and asked when a good time would be to call my dad to figure stuff out since I needed his new number and bc I live over an hour away from them, we started chatting. It was only for 40 minutes and my Bf was just getting heated that I was talking for so long. During this time he is getting frustrated bc he can’t find the tape measure... so I tell my mom I would talk to her later and I started helping him look. He’s just freaking out the whole time and cursing. Finally I find the dumb tape measure all the while remaining calm and just glad I could help find it. He then tells me to follow him since it was my fault I misplaced it (I’m sure he was joking and I was joking back but like... wtf). We went to the bathroom to measure and discuss layout and I’m just not seeing his vision and my confusion and questions are just pissing him off so I say you know what? I’m not a professional and idk (my back and feet were killing me and I needed to relax since I worked today so I walked out). Then he just starts yelling at me and saying it’s all up to me to figure it out and how he’s the only one who cares and all this crap. I am trying to just calmly discuss but then I start getting really bad heart racing/heartburn feeling and I see my dog cowering into me and I just lose it! I yell and cry “are you kidding me ?! I’m tired of you scaring the dog and talking to me like you don’t even respect me! Are you going to do this when the baby comes?!” He backed down and tried to comfort me but I just couldn’t even look at him let alone let him touch me. I am so livid. It’s been an hour and I just can’t stop fuming and feeling so sad like I’m with someone who just doesn’t care about my health or a healthy relationship. Idk. I just needed to vent to other pregnant mamas out there 😔 I’m sure everything will work out but I just needed to type it all out and just have a good cry sesh.