Boyfriends father looks at me!!


This is going to be long. So I need advice!! A few months ago my boyfriends brothers girlfriend (a lot I know) had told me that my boyfriends parents were arguing about me when I was drunk. Backstory the family always gets together on the weekends and drink. This was during the winter so I was dressed warm. None the less my boyfriends dad was talking to me and makes a comment to his wife about how she was jealous, they started arguing. That’s all I remember. Mind you they have thee most toxic relationship ever they’re ALWAYS arguing and cursing in front of the entire family kids included. Anyhow the girlfriend brings it back up a few weeks ago about how the arguement was about me and his wife was trying to kick me out the house but I was sleep and didn’t know what was going on. It bothered me a bit but I ignored it and chopped it up to them being inebriated. Fast forward to last week it’s my boyfriends birthday and I brought everyone together to celebrate I had on athletic tights, tennis shoes a t shirt, hat and oversized jacket. His dad comes in drunk and myself his wife and friend are sitting on the couch. I could tell an argument was about to happen because he was asking her why she didn’t clean up the food. Everyone started to kind of clear out and I just had a baby so I was making sure I had all the stuff. I over hear him whisper to his wife “what you think I was looking at her” and that’s when I got the hell out of dodge. I got in the car told my boyfriend I don’t feel comfortable going over to his parents house anymore and that would be my last time because 1 that’s fucking creepy he’s 30+ years older than me and 2 wtf I’m with your son why is this even a discussion. That night him and his wife argued she’s on the phone crying to me about how she’s done and blah blah. Fast forward to today it’s confirmed the argument was about how she thought he was looking at me and he has a thing for me and his daughter saying I shouldn’t wear tights blah blah. I told my boyfriend he can take our kids over there but I will no longer EVER go there again. It’s odd to me because everyone ACTS so loving and caring but to know your marital issues involve ME your sons girlfriend and mother of his children is disgusting, hurtful, embarrassing and makes me angry. I have a shapely body and I can’t believe I’m even saying this I make sure I’m overly covered up when I go there because I’m uncomfortable. But that’s not my issue that your husband is a fucking creep. I want her to know that I know and my reasons for not going there so she can check herself but idk how to go about it. My boyfriend wants to confront them and stop going over as well but that will start drama and it’ll be “my fault”