

Bear with me this is a little long.

I got my last period on July 3rd. It was normal, crampy and heavy like usual. Then for 43 days I didn’t have any type of symptoms or period.NOTHING. I took 16 pregnancy tests in that whole time. (Spread out) they were all negative. Then I started spotting on the 44th day of my missed period. It was blood tinged discharge, then it was pink, then brown, and blood tinged again. For 4 days I was spotting but then i went back to normal. When the spotting stopped I was having incredible amounts of nausea and pain that landed me in immediate care. They did another test and it was negative as well. The doctor said it was either my appendix acting up or a possible ovarian cyst. Then they told me to go home and see if my appendix burst, and if it did to go to the ER. They said if I continued to have the pain and nausea to schedule an ultrasound. As of now the nausea is gone but I still get pangs of pain on my lower right side. I’ve been sleeping a lot and feeling “off”. Has this ever happened to anyone?