Feeling exhausted

I’m the kind of person who feels like I have to do everything right in all aspects of my life and if I can’t or don’t, I feel so horrible! I’m in my final year of my program at university so I have class days, placement days, work and I try to make time for family and my boyfriend so there’s a lot I’m having to balance! I’m not doing well right now ...I struggle with anxiety and dealing with stress which makes everything harder at times, I haven’t been sleeping well so I’m always tired and I know that my family and boyfriend can sense when I’m feel really anxious but both my parents can be really insensitive to how it feels for me, it’s like they want me to just get control of it and I try but sometimes (when you’re not coping well) that’s not the easiest thing to do! I always feel like I have to do everything to please people and to support others and I feel that I really get no support of my own! I feel like everyone in my family takes advantage of how willing I am to be there for them and I get treated like shit and I just really don’t know know what to do without talking to everyone but that’ll likely turn into a huge argument which I don’t want!

Any suggestions? Ways to deal will how hurt I am?