Would you be mad or?

So I’m currently 38 weeks pregnant and this weekend my mom and two best friends are out of town (two of them in another state and another 5 hours away). My fiancé decided to throw a “diaper party” last minute. I asked him to not drink too much to drive in case I were to go into labor and need him. Especially since the rest of my support system is out of town and we are 30 minutes from our hospital. I have already been to L&D once for false labor and have been having contractions for weeks, so I feel that it’s probable that my son could come anytime. My fiancé just texted me after midnight and said “probably going to be out after bar clothes” meaning “close”. I texted him and asked if he’s sober and he said he’s not but “he has a ride home”. I’m frustrated y’all. Would you be or should I just let it go and let him do his thing?

Update: where I live bar close is 2 am. It’s now past 3 am and he’s not home...