Going Crazy!

You know what drives me crazy about the whole TTC thing? It’s how pregnancy symptoms mimics AF symptoms! You over analyze every little stomach pain or the slightest feeling of nausea & you tell yourself this is your month! There’s a baby inside me this time only for those cramps & nausea be due to AF! I’ve been driving myself crazy during my TWW. I have a 2yr old son but I couldn’t tell you any “pregnancy” symptoms I had with him because they were my usual AF symptoms which is why I didn’t think to test at first. Whhhhhyyy is this so hard?! I just want to be able to say, “ Oh, *insert definite pregnancy symptom here* I’m definitely pregnant. Why can’t it be that easy?? I hate the waiting & wondering! I just want to bring another life in to this world. Why do I have drive myself crazy in the process??

Baby dust to all of you ladies! FTM....those of us TTC another addition to our beautiful families....those who are TTC their rainbow baby....those who are struggling with fertility....I pray each & every one of you get the blessing you’re so deserving of!