Life rant (LONG)

When the year started, everything was going beautifully. I got a new job and was making more than I ever did. Anyways, my boyfriend and I decided to start trying for a baby in March, but my period never came so we tried again in April and Hooraayy, I’m now 26 weeks and madly in love with her. Back to April, the plan was get pregnant, save up as much money as we could and move out by December, and welcome in our new family with our new home, which still is the plan. But things didn’t go as plan. I was still living with my mom and stepfather at the time, my stepfather and I don’t get along at all, but my mom was really ecstatic. We weren’t going to tell him at all, because honestly I don’t want him apart of my child’s life and he was going away for 6 months in July, which gave my boyfriend and I enough time to find an apartment before he came back. Everything went downhill when he came back in August for a doctor appointment, my mom told him thinking it would be better and he ended up kicking me out. To top it all off, I lost my job because it wasn’t safe to work while pregnant. I was a home health aid by the way. So I ended up moving in with my boyfriend and his parents which his parents are “a lot too much” and after a few months being there I had a mental breakdown and moved in with my sister. So now we’re here in October and I just feel like a total mess. Honestly I don’t regret anything, but I just wish we had an apartment before it all happened. Anyways, we start apartment hunting next month to get into our new place by December, but I’m feeling so crushed because fall/winter is not moving season. I live in New York City by the way and everyday I go looking searching, the list of apartments just gets shorter and shorter. (With our price range of course) Now I’m even more crushed, because I want to live comfortably in our new place and provide for my baby, so I have to start back work in February. My boyfriend has paid leave for 10 weeks and it’s enough for us survive of, but I don’t want us to just be surviving when I know we can be making more. I’m very attached to children and babies, and I’m so afraid with me working, we’re not going to get to form that bond like I envision. Maybe I’m overthinking this, but it’s how I feel at the moment.