Man oh Man

Caitlin • 28 years old, Baby Boy 💙, cat momma. Baby #2 due August 17th! Grateful for my amazing husband ❤️😊 3.5.15

My period is now officially four days late and I'm still getting a BFN. I used opks this month and my ovulation was spot on, smiley face on a digital. Am I out or is it possible to get a BFP still. This was the hubby's and I's most successful attempt at ttc. We bd' the entire week of ovulation before and after like 🐰🐰 I just don't know what to think. I had twinges around 9dpo and a huge urge to pee all of the time. Not really much in the last few days besides some random feelings of nausea. We've been taking his and her vitamins for ovulation and healthy sperm. I'm never late on my period but I understand things arise. Can someone give me hope! Its cycle day 36, and 17dpo🤞

Update 18dpo- still no af and still no bfp??!?!? 5 days late on my period