

So my boyfriend of 8 months is being messaged by another girl and he messages her back. He claims that she’s only trying to be friends but it feels so much like she’s trying to slide in or flirt; sending a lot of emojis, tagging him in memes, etc.

I know it’s shitty but I logged into his snapchat and they’ve been talking so much more than he’s even been talking to me..

I keep telling him that she makes me uncomfortable and that I want him to limit contact with her (an agreement that we reached that we can make when we feel that someone is getting to close to the other) but he keeps messaging her back and talking and replying and I’m just left so jealous and upset,,

I don’t know who to tell because I feel like I’m annoying all my friends with updates on this girl so I’ve turned to you guys

Please give me any advice!!