Pregnancy is an excuse to sleep in.

Pregnancy is an excuse to have cravings.

Pregnancy is an excuse to be emotional.

Pregnancy is an excuse to be scared, have anxiety, and in some cases depression. (Although its not good and you should try some coping methods.)

Pregnancy is an excuse to feel insecure, your body is CHANGING, you are getting acne and new stretch marks. You are gaining weight, you feel bigger than ever before.

Pregnancy is an excuse to want ALONE TIME with your significant other.

Pregnancy is an excuse to complain about nausea and headaches.

Pregnancy is an excuse to complain about the pain in your belly, back, arms, legs, ANYWHERE you're hurting.

"You use pregnancy as an excuse for everything"

Guess what buddy? It is, and it's a pretty damn valid excuse at that.

But most importantly-

Pregnancy is a reason to feel beautiful. Your new stretch marks are beautiful as well and although you may never feel or look the same you did before pregnancy, your beautiful body brought a child into the world and there's NOTHING in this universe more beautiful than that.

Pregnancy is a reason to feel loved and needed. That little baby thats making you sick, exhausted, emotional and sore will soon be the best thing that has ever happened to you and nobody will love you more than your child, and there is nobody you will love more.

Pregnancy is a reason to get your life on track, to become the person you want to be and set all goals you want for yourself and your baby.

Pregnancy is a reason to be scared, but that is completely normal and that will pass.

Pregnancy isn't easy! Don't let people make you feel like less of a person because your pregnancy isn't perfect. In a perfect world, there would be no pain, no anxiety, no emotions but unless you've been through it, are going through it, or have the desire, empathy, and maturity to go through it, you have no say!


But more importantly, it is a reason.