Is this weird?

Okay so my ex has two baby mothers, two sons.

I am his first baby mother and then there’s #2.

Anyways her mother is currently trying to follow me on Instagram?

Is this not weird? Keep in mind this is s grown ass woman in her 40’s and I’m 18.

I didn’t accept it yet and don’t think I plan to. From what I’ve heard this lady lives for drama, I’ve heard that from both my ex and other people.

I’m just confused on why she’s trying to follow me on IG.

I don’t know her daughter personally at all, all I know is what I’ve been told plus she’s the mother of my sons half brother sooo.🤷🏻‍♀️

These kids haven’t even met yet (they’re one and three.)

So what would be the point?

I thought about telling my ex because he knows her more than I do so maybe he could tell me what she’s up to but idk,

I don’t want to start anything.

**I don’t not like her, I just think it’s weird? Plus I think it’s just because she wants to be snoopy when it comes to my kid and mine and my exes relationship because we have a great co parenting relationship and her daughter and him don’t at all. Which is because her and her daughter are always trying to stir something up. That’s why I’m weary. Like I don’t want to end up getting dragged into something.😬

**Let me clarify. Me and the other baby mother are friends on Facebook and follow each other IG, we just like each other’s posts back and forth but never talk. I see pictures of her son and she sees mine. I have no issue with it.

I just think it’s weird her mom is trying to get in on it because as far as I’m concerned this whole thing should be between me, the kids dad, and the other baby mom ya know?