Advice needed! Not wanting to make the bride mad!


So my fiancé’s sister is getting November 3rd. Regardless of the fact that EVERYTHING they knew about our wedding is now being done at their wedding (including buying the same flower girl outfit for my daughter to wear in their wedding which again is in November and she is 2 and it is only October and it’s 30 degrees and this outfit was originally my idea for my wedding in May so it’s sleeveless, backless, short skirt - my child will be freezing) so I learned my lesson and haven’t said any more ideas after they went from doing bubbles at the sendoff (which will be early afternoon I think) to doing sparklers during the early afternoon to send them off 😑 (my wedding is at night so I didn’t even imagine the sparkler idea would be taken) I’m sorry so off topic. Anyways so it’s been obvious that they have been taking ideas from us and it’s no big deal we want them to have their big day perfect! Well they have been very secretive about their stuff. And that’s fine I understand. But today I get a message about the rehearsal dinner, and I ask what all needs to be brought because again I have no idea what’s going on. She’s being really short and giving me little details. She wants us to bring everything we need to get ready but we have to be there at 11am and take pictures at 12pm. Which is when the guys have to be there but she wants us to bring our clothes the night before and leave them there but if the guys cannot change until 12pm then that cannot be right for pictures? And I needed the other details because my child’s naps is from 12-2pm (which it has been that time since she was a year old now she’s two. That time has never changed) so I needed the other details and asked for them so I could plan accordingly..... I was promptly told I didn’t need the details at all...... I’m now very confused. I’m going to just bring the clothes the night before and leave them like she wants but we are going to get ready at home since that’s the easiest and I guess the nap will be hard but I will figure something out and get her to go to sleep around 10:30 11am and hopefully she will be fine with an hour of sleep in her car seat there. I have no idea what else to do since they refuse to tell me anything. And I definitely don’t want to bother them by keep asking, so I am rolling with it I think? Is there anything I could do to ask about the rest of the day so I know? Or do I need to just go with it and hope everything works out? I mean I would have never guessed to bring anything to the rehearsal dinner had I not asked too! I don’t know what to do?