Already in the terrible two. πŸ™„

Karine 🌷 β€’ Mom of two handsome boys.πŸ’™ English is not my native language! Please excuse any mistakes.✌🏻

Anybody else's kid is just throwing tantrums at everythiiiiiing? 😩 When he can't have something he want he's throwing the bigest tantrums for nothing. He doesnt want to eat his dinner because all he wants is yogourt. πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ He swing objects everywhere. At least he's not physical with us haha. But he's only like this with us, with the family or relative he's the sweetest. πŸ™„ even at daycare he's the sweetest kid of his group. πŸ™„

Look at this face. Sure he look like a angel. But he's not. πŸ˜‚β€