Should pets sleep on the bed?


This is piggybacking off a post I saw about a woman’s boyfriend wanting the dog to sleep on the bed, but she’s not used to dogs and doesn’t want the dog on the bed. I personally always had dogs on my bed but that’s also because they were small and didn’t shed a lot. When I got a hound mix I was hesitant to let him on the bed because of the hair, but I still would let him on the bed if he wanted to (on a blanket of course).

Bonus questions:

If you don’t let the animals on the bed, do you also restrict them from other areas of the house? (upstairs, couches, living room, etc)

If you let animals on the bed, is it with certain conditions? (must stay on a blanket, stay at the foot of the bed, etc)

Do you think differently of others for allowing (or not allowing) their animals on the bed?

Do you think letting animals sleep on the bed is comparable to letting young children sleep in bed with you?

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