Getting stressed. CB Advanced Digital opk.

Cymbeline • 💕🎆🎆🎆🎆💕
After last month's chemical, I decided to try the CB Advanced Dig opk thinking it would take some of the weight off any guesswork of deciphering lines. Well....this morning is day#4 of a blinking smiley face. According to the box, there are two days of blinkers for high fertility due to estrogen levels increasing and then two days of a solid smiley for peak fertility due to LH surge. Sounds so cut and dry. But nooooo. I don't know what 4 days of "high" means...a possible anovulatory cycle, a slow steady rise in estrogen leading up to an LH surge? I wish it had explained the variables on the box. I'm so tired. We've been BD'ing constantly. I want that stinkin' solid smiley. Ugh. Sorry. Rant over. Just frustrated. :(