Should you be allowed to park in your front yard?


Hey guys I’m back from my suspension 🤪

My husband and I have been having this conversation after moving from the city-

He grew up in the country where no one can see your front yard, let alone do they care what you’re doing in your front yard.

Well, he was unloading mulch for our flowerbeds & Parked in our front yard to do so.

Well a cop came by and gave him a ticket for parking in the front yard, saying he violated city ordinances.

Personally I can see why you shouldn’t park in your front yard, but my husband has the mindset of “my yard, I’ll park where I want”

I truly think it’s just a difference in where we grew up.

What are your thoughts?

Should you be allowed to park in your front yard? Should you only be allowed if it’s short term parking (as in unloading mulch, etc), or should you be able to at all times?

What should the consequences be?

My husbands was a $78 fine. 🤣

I’m editing this to add that we later found out that a neighbor called the police about him being parked in the yard