Asking for prayers!


I came to the ER around 12 this morning for pelvic pressure/pain. I was given abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds and it was determined that baby wasn't in my uterus. After talking with 4 doctors, they want to keep me to monitor me and will repeat the ultrasound tomorrow. It's suspected that I have an ectopic pregnancy but the main doctor thinks my hormone levels are too high for there to be nothing there or baby in the wrong place. Please say a prayer for my family and I. We were looking forward to this baby! The pain has eased off but one of the first doctors I saw has me scared of my tube rupturing and me bleeding out. I can make another baby (hopefully) but I need to be here for my 6 year old and of course my husband. Good luck to all of you June 2019 mommy to be's! Praying you will continue to have healthy pregnancies and deliver healthy babies!