Trapped in an emotionally abusive relationship.

Hey guys, sorry but this is probably going to be a long one. But I need help so I'd appreciate the advice. I'm so lost in my relationship and my boyfriend is becoming emotionally abusive.

I'm 13 years old and in my second year in high school. I have a boyfriend who told me he liked me December last year after we talked 24/7 for about 2 months. I sat next to him in my English class.

It's almost been a year since he told me he liked me and there's a lot of problems.

First of all, the main issue is that he won't go on a date with me. I've asked him multiple times and he's just said, "Well.... It's the whole meeting the parents thing you know." Of course, I laugh this off but I've been laughing it off for almost a year now.

Secondly, he doesn't want me to talk to or meet his mum. When it was his birthday I went round to drop a card off. He messages me before, "Btw don't ring the doorbell because my mum, my dad and my brother are here and I don't want any of them to see you."

Of course I'm offended af but I'm also kind af and I do as he asked and just put the card through the post box. Obviously, I'm now feeling rude towards his parents but I did as he said. The next day I go round to give him his present (which came a day late off amazon) and of course I can't fit it through the post box so I just knock on the door and I hear him sprint down the stairs and open the door. He doesn't even look at me and simply says, "Thanks, bye" and slams the door in my face. By this point I'm getting annoyed.

Then it was summer vacation and he hardly messaged me AAALLL summer.

When we come back to school, I'm sat next to him in our new math class. But he doesn't talk to me the entire lesson. He just sits there, covering his face with his hands. It took him about three lessons to finally talk to me.

Then a few weeks later (quite recently) we have a lesson before maths about animal rights and vegetarianism.

I'm a vegetarian.

And no, I do not shame him for eating animals but I'm not afraid to express my opinion.

In the next lesson (math) he sits next to me and starts being offensive about my decision to be vegetarian. He says things like, "You're hypnotised into being vegetarian. And all you do is talk about how good it is"

I'm pissed.

I'm fucking raging.

Then he starts saying the quote by morrissey, 'Eating meat is the most disgusting thing I can think of, it's like taking a bite out of your grandmother' was stupid. So then we get into an argument about that.

THEN I say, "Well you wouldn't eat your dog would you?"

And he goes, "No I'm related to my dog and pigs are just stupid, all they do is run into fences."

THEN we get into an argument about that and how pigs are actually intelligent and Ariana grande has a pet pig.

THEN he starts to attack me about videos of pigs being boiled alive and footage of how animals are killed is all 'fake propaganda'

At this point I'm thinking, 'and I'M the one who's hypnotised?'

So anyway you get the point he fucking offended me big time.

Then he starts making up a song, 'I'm an angry vegan and all meat eaters should die.' When ive never said anything like that in my life!

It took him three days to apologise over text but the he removed the 'in a relationship' from his profile. So I did the same.

I really want to break up with him but I don't know how. Do I briefly say 'I don't like you anymore' in a math class or give a full explanation over text?

There's no way he'll talk to me any other time.

And I just got an award for highest academic achievement in my year and I noticed he got tickets for the assembly but not because he knew I was getting an award. But I want to go up there, knowing that he can see me, and his parents, and feel like a fucking independent woman who doesnt need a loser like him attached to me.

Please help guys, I know this is long but I really need an answer. I'm so lost right now