Opinions on tipping


This probably isn't all that controversial but I want to know your opinions tipping in America.

Do you think it's okay for someone to not tip just because they don't want to?

I personally think it's rude to not tip someone just because you don't want to. If this person is doing a service to you and they're doing a decent job, why wouldn't you leave them something knowing they make below minimum wage?

If you can't afford to tip then you shouldn't eat out. Do you agree?

I personally don't understand how one can afford to go out to eat but can't afford to leave something for your server at the end of your meal. If you really didn't have the money then you wouldn't be there in the first place.

Do you believe in leaving a tip even if the service was bad?

It depends. If you're genuinely trying your hardest to give a good dining experience, then I will leave a tip. If you're dismissive, negligent, attitudinal, etc., then no tip for you. I don't reward bad behavior.

What do you all think? Any other opinions on tipping that I didn't mention?