Holy crap the pain..

Sarah • 34, married. 2 boys ages 9 and 7 and baby boy #3 due in January.

My sciatica and my hips and my spd were so bad today, i was at a funeral and sitting on a folding chair.. they are hard.. and the pain got so bad i had to leave and go stand outside and then sit in the car while my husband stayed inside the funeral home. It was so bad i could barely lift my legs and was crying so bad my husband actually called my dr. Well no dr was in but lady on the phone said to take an Epsom salt bath.. i can barely move my legs and you want me to squat down into a bath. I'll never get up. January needs to get here fast. Because this has been the most unpleasant pregnancy I've had. The pain my groin area is in is like a 10.