OKAYYY okay okay ladies. Anyone experience multiple LH ‘surges’ per cycle, as in 2 or more and still conceive?


Sooo this has happened to me, a zillion times.

I recently however tried that thing everyone brags about. You know ‘not stressing’ ‘not trying so hard’ or whatever. Lol it’s bologna if you as me. I had and feel it would be. But after over a year ttc figured we mise we’ll try this ‘not trying’ method 😜

No testing of any kind. BBT, LH, or pregnancy. No symptom spotting. All I entered in my app was any bleeding and any stress. Everything else I hardly noticed or gave a second thought.

4.5 cycles later I decided to get back to proper TTCing with all my might. lol so

Cycle day 9, got a positive LH surge, flash forward to yesterday CD18, another clear postive... today CD19, positive again!

As usually we keep baby dancing. Keep I mind before perhaps questioning the integrity of my tests, I use strips and digital on the same afternoon urine everyday.

Jw if anyone else has been through this? Any success stories?

Help 🙏🏻❤️ love and luck to all you ladies.

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