She's Finally Here - Birth Story


I was 40+4 on 10/26 and had a appointment to see my OB but I was running late because hubby would not get out of bed I figured they would reschedule me but they just told me to come in anyway.

On my way I was really emotional because hubby and I got into an argument so my day started bad he dropped me off at the clinic and I said bye to my 2 year old not realizing I would not see her the rest of the day.

I got to see the Ob and she checked my belly size and dilation, I was 2 cm and my belly was huge, she started to talk about how she wants to schedule me for a c-section, I didn't feel comfortable unless necessary she insisted and started to tell me how my 9lb baby could die and asking me if im willing to kill my baby I was stunned by her demeanor and she was starting to piss me off. She insisted but decided to send me to the hospital to get an growth ultrasound to insure I wasn't just filled with water.

The hospital was right next store they took my ultrasound and determined it was fluid and baby was average growth while they did this I was having contractions for an hour straight I was 5 cm dilated so they decided to admit me my Ob decided she would induce me I didnt know until after they already put an IV bag in my IV line when I was already naturally in labor. 😒

After admiting me at 1:00PM the nurse decided one dose of the induction bag was enough since I was progressing on my own. For 4 hours I was stuck on 8 cm it sucked so bad I didn't get epidural or pain medication because I wanted the birth to be as natural as possible.

After an 8 hour battle of contractions around 9PM I finally pushed out my sweet chubbster baby girl. She came

out to be 10lbs and 6 ounces no complications just a 2nd degree tear, everything went well I even got up to walk the halls after a nap. 😁 I was so afraid I wouldn't have an October Baby. 🎃

Here's my Big Girl