Should I look past his Views?


So I met a guy on a dating site months ago, and we talked briefly but like - we just fell through and so last night he put on his story “ who wants to hang out this weekend.” And I just kinda replied and said “ I’ll go get food or something idc.” We ended up talking like 6 hours on the phone last night about EVERYTHING, and he’s kinda wanting to have sex today but idk...I really only wanna do that if we’re together? But he said if we have sex we’d be talking and then he said that it was okay if I didn’t want to, but he knows what he’s doing...and that he’s been with 50 people, - idk if it’s bad of me to think that’s really gross??? But he also pretty much said that it wasn’t like weird to have sex out of a relationship, and that having sex wouldn’t make us a thing..but that makes me nervous, like every guy I’ve slept with we were together ATLEAST 2 weeks before we did anything. Minus Tyler - he was kinda just a fling type of thing. But I don’t want to get into a relationship revolved around sex? Quite honestly I don’t want to have sex out of a relationship, because what if I get something? What if he knocks me up? He doesn’t like condoms so he won’t wear one. - I feel like once he brought up sex he wouldn’t stop talking about how good he was at it, I mean he literally fucking said “ after sleeping with me you’re gonna think all men suck in bed.” He also said he’d give me a week to think about sex with him, but he wanted to have sex before getting together to make sure we are sexually compatible? Aka to make sure I don’t suck I’m pretty sure.

I’m very iffy about the entire thing, I feel like I’m being very hypocritical? I’m not a virgin so it’s not like it would be my first time? It’s more of a “ I don’t want a connection with someone when they don’t value it.” He’s not a bad guy, I mean he said we would talk about other things but I don’t want to be pressured into having sex with him tonight. Am I a bitch for only keeping sex in relationships? He said sex had value like 40 years ago but in today’s day and age it wouldn’t matter if we slept together. - we’ve talked about other things but once he brought up sex it was really all we talked about, and he was up front and blunt about his views so I guess if we don’t share the same views it won’t work out???

I’ve never had this happen before...