Did I ruin my chances ? Opk after miscarriage


So we suffered from a heartbreaking miscarriage three weeks ago at 7 weeks . So <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> has been tricky , we did really good at the bd last week around normal time of ovulation, then we slacked off the last three days . Well I got a very negative opk yesterday then blazing positive this morning . So we did the deed this morning plain on it tonight and the next. 2 to three days . I just always felt like you had better luck at catching it if you did it the night before a positive opk . Do you think I will still have a good chance . My doctors advice was always the day of a positive opk and the following three days . I just really feel down we missed the day before .