
A week ago, my husband said hes going out to drink w his coworkers. He just recently started this job. Anyways, he told me hed only be there for 4hrs. 12am, he txted me that hes staying over cause hes drunk. This is really unusual for him. He never does this before. He came home 9am, but stayed in the car til 1030am, touching his phone. He came and he was really distant to me, idk why, maybe he thought i was mad and wanted to avoid me? He went to shower and knocked out in bed.

Yesterday night, someone kept blowing up his phone, i ask who it is, and he said its his coworker. He told me his coworker wants him to go drink w them again. Telling me hes not gonna go, until 10pm, when its already late, is when he decided he wanted to go.

I wanted to go hangout w my sisters, and he acts like im going to cheat on him, or do something im not supposed to be doing. Hes always like this when i want to go hangout, so i never go.

Im just having a gut feeling he cheated, i ask to see his phone and his bank activity, but he refuses. He said theres a password for a reason, and hes only being like that to save our marriage. I said that would mean he is cheating on me. He said no, it means he wants his own privacy, and if i cant accept, he will divorce me. He never said to me that he isnt cheating, he just said that he doesnt have the time to cheat.

Now this makes me more curious, what do u think?