Out in 2 pushes!


Well, I’m over 2 months late. But I’ve been embracing life as a first time mommy and LOVING it!!

Benjamin Martin Burns made his appearance on August 12, at 11:28am(38w2d).

My water broke the night before at 10:50pm. I still remember the experience so vividly. I hadn’t felt any pain or contractions after my water broke. After an hour at the hospital they gave me a pill to soften my cervix- which within 30 minutes brought on the most painful contractions! They were back to back, incredibly intense, with hardly any relief in between. I was crying in pain for hours and hours and had only dilated to 3cm at this point. (I came in 70% effaced and practically closed). So as defeated as I felt, I caved and asked for the epidural. To my surprise the epidural did not hurt in the slightest. However, the first one managed to get a kink and was not effective. Unfortunately, this was discovered after getting a catheter(not fun when you can actually feel it...)and once I could start feeling the contractions again. 🙃🤦🏻‍♀️ so I had to get a new one all over again. This time it DEFINITELY worked, and mama felt quite relaxed from then on. Hahaha I couldn’t feel ANYTHING. Within an hour I progressed to 4cm, and managed to get a little bit of rest until I had been checked again when I was at 8cm. Another hour later from then and I was ready to push!

The nurse had me try a couple practice pushes, which somehow managed to bring baby boy all the way down already. My husband could see the head crowning!! I had to stop until the doctor arrived. 2 more pushes with the doctor and he was out!! We couldn’t believe how fast it happened. The moment they laid him on my chest was so surreal and unforgettable. 2 1/2 months later and I have the happiest, sweetest boy I could ever dream of, and my heart is so full!! Every woman who wants to be a mama deserves to have this blessing. Baby dust to all of you trying, and congrats to those meeting their sweet little ones already! Feel free to share pictures of your precious little beans! There’s nothing sweeter ❤️