Pregnant and I hate my boyfriend

So I don't even know if anyone will read this but I need to get it out. So my SO and I have been together for 4 years, and I am 6 months pregnant with our second child. Backstory, when I was pregnant with our first, my SO was awful. Drinking all the time, smoking weed, never spent any time with me at all. Had a shitty job he barely worked at, and was just all around a piece of shit. I worked and paid for half of all the bills. He spent so much money on alcohol and drugs that he couldn't even pay his part sometimes. So I'm still scarred from that. Fast forward 2 years later, this time around, we have a new house, he doesn't smoke, he has a really good job, and he had came a long way from where he was. I don't work, I go to school and he pays for everything. This is way different for me because I'm used to making my own money and buying what I want and budgeting for bills and all that. Well now, he makes all the money and refuses to budget at alllllll so I'm constantly stressed about that because he doesn't save any money at all. He still makes sure I have money but blows the rest after bills pretty much on alcohol and dip. This is the smallest of my annoyance though. My main thing is... He drinks all the time. Not necessarily heavily, but enough to where I feel like he cares more about drinking than spending time with his family. He spends all of his time at home, in our shop with his cousins drinking beer and practicing welding. I am going insane because I never ever get to see him and when I do we're arguing about money or his drinking or something like that, so I know it makes him want to drink more because I'm "annoying" and he doesn't give a f how it makes me feel that he chooses his beer and cousins over us. Pretty much I just need some advice on how to fix this or if I can or what to do or how to feel or something. I'm tired of telling my friends about it because I know they get tired of hearing about it and tell me that I deserve better and so on, but I really do try to see things from his point of view.... But his attitude and the way he goes about things just makes me hate him so much I feel like I can never fix things with him because he won't try to even slightly see things from my point of view. Like right now.. he got off early today and instead of spending time with me he ran off to his brothers and still isn't home (been gone all evening) and just called to let me know he'd be home soon but he's tired.... .......... Sorry for the long post just thought maybe someone out there would read this and have some advice. 🙁 I'm just lost and don't know how to move past this. I'm open to any advice.