Maternity leave...


How long of a maternity leave do you all get? Here in the United States myself and my work will allow for 12 weeks and I have selected to return after 11 weeks with is November 30th. I know I still have a lot of time off, but I'm close friends with several coworkers and sadly things at my work have been crazy. 4 people have quit in month 😭, one of which being a good friend. Ive heard rumors they are trying to change what I do at work. Most days I love mg job and we can't afford for me to be a stay at home mom, and I know being home with my toodler and infant this wouldnt work for me either. Im looking for advice, as I already feel anxiety about returning to work even though its still a month plus away. I feel great after this baby, and dealth with baby blues the first few weeks. However the though of going back to work, and figuring out that routine has me very anxious, any advice.